There has been considerable talk over the last two years from both sides of the aisle about the need for "Entitlement Reform." This is a talking point that is used to turn the tide of public opinion. "Entitlement Reform" brings about a mental image of someone who is not working by choice so that they can live off of the government because they are entitled to do so.
In reality, this has been used as a euphamism for cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits, which we don't actually need to do. The truth is that the United States Defense budget in 2011 was $741.2 BILLION dollars.( US Defense Budget) In comparison, we spent $606 Billion in Social Security benefits, which were more than paid for by the $701 Billion in Social Security payroll taxes collected from the public. An audit of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund can be accessed here: Social Security Administration Audit
One fun way that I started educating myself about the federal budget was by Ben Cohen's Oreo video. Ben was one of the founders of Ben & Jerry's. He breaks the budget down using oreo's to represent dollars, which I found to be entertaining and informative. You can watch his video here: Ben's movie was made during the last Bush administration (around 2006-2007 I think) and at that time the defense budget was $400 Billion per year. That means that during this period of extreme economic downturn when the federal government can't find money to do Anything! they have managed to scrounge up an additional $241 billion for military spending. Doesn't this make you angry? What kind of good could have been done with that $241 billion?
So, homework for you for tonight. Watch Ben Cohen's 3 minute video about government spending and start deciding how YOU think your government ought to be spending your money. After all, you work hard for it.
And tonight's Occupy Wall Street message: Part of the problem with the current federal budget is that it is so complex because it is divided into such a huge web of administrative divisions that it is impossible for you or I to really have any oversight or any say as to what our dollars are spent for. I for one am not okay with my government spending my money for the USDA to negotiate a contract with Domino's pizza for them to add more cheese to their pizzas for the benefit of dairy farmers. Ironically, at the exact same time that contract was being negotiated, another department within the USDA was formulating a recommendation that American's start eating less cheese. So, from OCCUPY - stop allowing corporate interests to influence how our tax dollars are being spent!
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